Travelling by bus

All college buses drop off and pick up from the campus and the return journeys follow the same routes as the inward journey. Exact pick-up points, routes and arrival/departure times for September 2024 will be published at the end of April 2024 and may vary from previous years. Pick- up points are carefully considered by the college, and we are not able to alter or add stops in that academic year. Current routes are constantly reviewed with new routes developed for the following year if required; we would advise you to get in touch and let us know where you will be travelling from so, we can assess your individual needs. Whatever your transport queries, we will try to help wherever possible.

Please note that this timetable is subject to change, ensure you check the timings for your pick- up point again at the beginning of September.

Reaseheath will be subsidising transport fees by over £1.5 million to help ensure that the cost of travel remains as small as possible and that we continue to offer a cost effective, safe and comfortable method of travel to and from campus.

Our college bus service transports over 1,400 students every day from far and wide.

Reasons to travel with Reaseheath College:

  • Our extensive routes reach right across the county and surrounding regions (Please see map below)
  • We have a high-quality fleet of coaches which are all fitted with seat belts
  • All our drivers are DBS checked
  • We pick up from a number of train stations, including Crewe Railway Station
  • All Coaches are met by transport staff on arrival at College. Transport staff are also clearly visible and available to assist students to find the correct coaches for the journey home.

Map – Reaseheath College transport pick up points 2023

To search the map you can either zoom in on or click on the top right hand corner to expand the map.

Please enter your home post code in the search bar to find the nearest pick up point. The pickup point will be shown by the following icon Click on the icon and the route number, stop number, pick up time and payment band will be displayed.

Apply for a 2024-2025 bus pass

View our price list for September 2023 to see how much your route will cost –

If you require any further information please either contact the Transport Office on 01270 613209.

We also offer means tested bursaries which may further reduce the cost of travel. More information on this can be found on our finance page. If you are applying for a bursary to assist in paying for your travel. You must also apply for a bus pass.

2023-2024 – Term 3 Bus pass payments – covering from Easter 2024 to 26th June 2024 (End of academic year)

Please open the appropriate spreadsheet below and locate your route and stop and then open the payment link. This will take you to the online store.

Day Students 2023-2024

Residential, apprentices, block release, U16 2023-2024

2023-2024 – Term 2 Bus pass payments – covering from Christmas 2023 to Easter 2024

Please open the appropriate spreadsheet below and locate your route and stop and then open the payment link. This will take you to the online store.

Day Students – 2023-2024

Residential, apprentices, block release, Under 16’s 2023-2024

Travelling by train

We also collect students from the following train stations, Crewe, Knutsford, Macclesfield, Stafford, Stockport, Wallasey, Warrington and Whitchurch.
Financial support for train travel is also available to eligible students from the Discretionary Learner Support Fund. For more information, visit our finance page.

Travelling from further afield

If you live outside of our bus routes you might want to consider residential student accommodation. For more information, visit our living at Reaseheath pages.