Student Health and Wellbeing Service

The Student Wellbeing Service is available to all students who require help and support whilst at college. The Wellbeing Team can offer advice and guidance on a variety of issues including homesickness, mental health issues, relationships, bullying, difficulties with coursework, depression, anxiety, sexuality, financial difficulties, bereavement, health issues, sexual health, or family problems. We are committed to supporting you to enable you to reach your full potential. Whatever problems you are facing, we are here to help.

Students access the service for a wide variety of reasons and at different stages of experiencing difficulties. The Wellbeing Team are here to help and offer a range of services to all our students including 1-2-1 support in a relaxed and non-judgmental environment and access to our BeWell site, which is our online Mental Health & Wellbeing resource which is available to students 24/7. We also have our own internal counselling team, which offers person centred counselling, and can be accessed on site, on Teams, or over the phone.

Your course tutor and progress coaches are always willing to listen, but we understand that sometimes it can be easier talking to someone outside of your curriculum area. The Wellbeing Team will be able to offer the right support, advice, and guidance, and can signpost to any appropriate internal and external agencies or organisations.

In addition, the Wellbeing Team provide the following services:

  • Condom Distribution Scheme
  • Sexual Health Advice and Support (Axess)
  • Reaseheath Food Bank
  • The Pink Box Project
  • Police Drop-In
  • Drugs & Alcohol Misuse Support (CGL)
  • Wellbeing Drop-In Groups

If you would like to access the Wellbeing Team or the College Chaplain please email –

If you have any specific issues you would like to discuss in confidence prior to starting college, you can contact the Student Wellbeing Team or the College Chaplain by email –

Current students can access the BeWell website for more information and support on mental health and wellbeing.

We have a designated member of staff who can help facilitate a smooth transition into college for looked after children and care leavers. This support continues throughout their college experience.

Reaseheath College has a Chaplain on campus who is based next to The Wellbeing Hub. The Chaplain is happy to hold discussions on any aspect of faith or morality and is available to students of all faith and none. A weekly faith group is available to all who want to meet others who share their faith or hold different faith values to themselves. The Chaplain runs ‘MC Time’ and ‘Rooted’. MC Time takes place every Thursday from 12pm until 2pm in the Bield bar where you can meet like minded people with a slice of pizza!  He also supports many Reaseheath College functions and is happy to offer advice or general support whenever needed. A prayer room is available next to The Wellbeing Hub for use at any time. The Chaplain also supports the Christian Union who meet every Wednesday at 12:30pm in the prayer room.

The College Counselling Service can help with specific problems on a regular basis if you need support. Counselling provides a relaxed setting where you can talk freely in a way that is rarely possible with friends or tutors. Referrals are made through your Wellbeing Advisor. The Student Wellbeing Service can also refer you to outside agencies if necessary.


  • We’re based in the Health and Wellbeing Centre on the ground floor of Jodrell Hall. This location is fully accessible

Opening hours:

  • Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.30pm
  • Appointments can be offered face to face, via Microsoft Team, text or over the phone

Urgent Support:

For urgent medical support in an emergency, always telephone 999. Here are some other additional resources for support:

  • Your own GP
  • Kiltearn Medical Centre, Nantwich – 01270 610200 (8am – 5pm)
  • NHS 111 Service – 111 (the service offers health advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week)

For urgent emotional support:


The Wellbeing Service is a confidential service. The Wellbeing Team do not communicate with tutors or other members of staff without your expressed consent. The only exception would be if the staff considered a student poses a serious danger to themselves or others. In such cases the member of the Wellbeing Team would usually inform you that they need to breach the confidentiality contract.

The Wellbeing Team

Wellbeing Services

MC Time  – Join the college chaplain Rev.MC Chang for discussions, activities and games! Connect with each other and build up the Reaseheath Community. Everyone is welcome!

Rooted – A social group linked to a local church. Connect with each other having discussions about faith, the Bible and how to apply these things to our day to day life.

LGBTQPA+ Support Group – Meet like-minded students and have open discussions in a safe environment.

Korean Language Lessons – Learning a foreign language can help you refresh and boost your mental wellbeing. MC Chang, the college chaplain, is a native Korean speaker and is happy to provide Korean language classes on a 1:1 basis or as a group.

Pink Box Project – Reaseheath are able to provide free sanitary products for all students. Please look out for the pink boxes located across campus, or speak to a member of The Health & Wellbeing Team.

Reaseheath Food Bank – non-perishable food is available to staff and students from the Wellbeing department. Donations are most welcome, so please donate if you can.