Experience Reaseheath at our Course Open Event

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Experience Reaseheath College on Saturday 8th June by visiting our beautiful campus in person.

We have a fun and informative day in store for you with course subject area talks, the chance to meet staff from all departments and the exciting opportunity to view our fantastic facilities. On the day, we will be providing information and advice on:

Our curriculum tutors will be available throughout the day to guide you onto the right course and to show you what life as a student at Reaseheath could be like. Our support areas will also be on hand to chat about any questions you have about Reaseheath College. By the end of the day, you will leave knowing everything you need to about Reaseheath and what path you would like to take for your future!

Important Information

Please arrive at 10am for a 10:30am prompt start.

For everybody’s comfort, you will only be able to visit the subject area/s you have registered for. Prospective students will only be able to bring a maximum of two guests each.

At 12pm we are running a marketplace which is where you can find out more information about Reaseheath. Come along and ask any questions you may have. All our departments will be available to help.

We are a cashless college so if you would like to purchase food or drink you will need to pay with your debit/credit card.

For detailed instructions on how to get to Reaseheath, visit the ‘How to find Reaseheath’ webpage.

Want to register for the next open event? Register your interest below:

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